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When Was The Last Time You Saw A Scribe?

The printing press was not just a step forward in book production; it was a leap into the future of information sharing, setting the stage for the modern world where knowledge is abundant and readily accessible. It's a reminder that while technology can initially face skepticism and fear, its enduring impact often reshapes society in ways that are hard to initially imagine

The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century was not just a technological marvel, but it also marked a significant shift in the dissemination of information. Prior to this, scribes meticulously copied texts by hand, a process that was both time-consuming and exclusive. Gutenberg's press changed all that, allowing for the mass production of books and greatly expanding access to knowledge.

However, this revolutionary change was met with resistance. Some saw the new technology as destabilizing, fearing it would erode traditional values and structures. In an era deeply intertwined with religious authority, there were those who denounced the printing press as the 'devil’s work,' believing it could spread heretical ideas and undermine the church's control over knowledge.

Despite these challenges, the printing press persevered and thrived, rendering the role of the traditional scribe nearly obsolete. Today, the image of a scribe laboriously copying texts is a relic of the past, a vivid illustration of how technology, once advanced, seldom retreats.

An AI-generated picture of scribes hating on the printing press vs a group of people reading most of their books on iPads.

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